Last showing - "I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO" documentary film
In only 1 location: Electric Cinema - Shoreditch, 64-66 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch, London E2 7DP,
Sunday 16th July 2017, at 14:45
Click on link for additional info

We are proud to believe in the following:
“Black Consciousness therefore takes cognizance of the deliberateness of God’s plan in creating Black people black.” Steve Biko
According to the biblical account, all the past and present nations of the world, living on the planet we call Earth, can be traced back to Adam and Eve, the first human pair purposely created by the hands of God, in His likeness, endowed in their dignity with perfect abilities and intelligence.
All the nations of the world are descending from the sons of Noah, a descendent of Adam, namely the brothers Japhet, Shem and Ham who were preserved from the Flood. Their genealogies and territories have been preserved to these days.
Noah’s descendents possess a double blessing: once by Adam, when God gave him dominance over the whole world and twice when God equally re-iterated his blessing on each son upon leaving the Ark, setting before them the whole earth as their possession, habitation and resources.
From the abundance of their vast habitat, men derive their subsistence. Hence self reliance is absolute and a divine sanction covering both comfort and happiness through good stewardship and technology. Each man, each tribe, each tongue, each people and nation can determine its existence free from oppression.
God requires integrity in our dealing with each other. No man is to be subjected to perpetual poverty, slavery, exploitation and pauperism by the action of another man or nation.
A nation whose existence is dependent for any considerable period of time upon charitable assistance whether this assistance be public or private is a pauper (Catholic Encyclopaedia, altered by editor). Nations can be maintained in a state of pauperism by stealth, structural debts, cumbersome taxation, unfair trading and corruption.
God is on the side of the oppressed and He sees that they obtain justice. Any act of injustice is against God himself.
“ has but one honorable purpose, one alone, everything else is a waste of time......that is to train the student to be a proprer handler of power.”
Dr. John Henry Clarke
Education, academic and self-learning, is a never-ending endeavour and should not be acquired with the unique objective to land a job or earn big money. Education’s purpose is, first and foremost for the quickening of the mind to understand how to live with one another and effectively manage the natural world for everybody’s benefit. It therefore must consist of its spiritual, physical and mental aspects to develop fully the citizens of today and tomorrow.
Both quality and quantity are essential as are practical and theoretical instruction, truth and healthy reasoning, sound economics and justice, manual and intellectual training, free enterprise and business ethics.
“Our purpose in life is to leave a legacy for our children and our children’s children. For this reason, we must correct history that at present denies our humanity and self-respect.”
Queen Mother Moore
Knowing that man brings nothing into this world and can take nothing with him when he dies, he comes into this world to firstly get pleasure from and secondly manage the legacy left to him, only must he be able and willing to do so.
Able, if guided, assisted, educated, determined and skilled. Willing, if responsible, visionary, unselfish, disciplined and diligent.
There is nothing else but passing on a legacy, it be spiritual, material, physical or intellectual; it be mediocre or excellent; it be insignificant or established. Each generation bears the responsibility of passing on, developing and defending its legacy.
The greater the legacy, the stronger the nation, its people, institutions, influence and capacity to give.
In our age of greed with its pitfalls, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be financially free. Many people and nations find themselves in financial servitude on equal par with physical bondage. Its shackles are as tight as a garrotte. Wages are kept stagnant whilst prices, taxes, interests and rents keep escalating in parallel with iniquitous economic laws and corruption.
Financial freedom has mostly become the preserve of the rich, the shrewd and the well-connected in the industrialised as in the poorer countries, the rich get richer whilst the poor poorer as their means of existence are being transferred to the top and influential few.
Nonetheless, financial freedom is life and a personal responsibility. “If we are to live plentifully and comfortably in the world, we must be diligent in our business. We must pursue it carefully, improving all advantages and opportunities for it, yet not be hasty in it.” - Adventist Review: the Money Issue, September 1999 p50
"Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power."
Barbara Jordan
Our greatest obstacle is our mind. Our greatest conquest is our mind. Our greatest asset is our mind.
How marvellous when the mind having off-loaded all what suffocate it can, with a 90 degree rotation, function at full potential and at last grasp God’s mysteries!
God’s mysteries are not just spiritual and for the world to come: they are for the here and now; they encompass the physical world and the mental realm too. They are accessible to all to bless humanity. Hence inventions; arts; sciences; wisdom; knowledge; understanding; service; crafts; engineering; business; compassion; joy; charity; justice; community spirit and freedom. Really, the sky is the limit.
Every nation, every family and every individual under heaven should experience off-loading their negative equities.